5 Tips for Improving the Job Application Process

With the vast majority of job applications now being sent online, it’s more important than ever that you have a smooth, efficient online process in place to make it easy for candidates to apply. While you might expect that to be a given, the annual What Workers Want Report by Hays found that a huge number of employers are struggling to get it right. In fact, the figures show that half of all online applicants rate their experience of the online application process as somewhere between neutral and very poor.

With that information in mind, what can your business do to make sure your job application process doesn’t alienate the best candidates? Here are five handy tips to improve the process and make your business more applicant friendly.

1. Improve the functionality of your application process

90 percent of job applicants want to be able to submit their CV as part of the process. Rather than having to rehash their CVs, they want to be able to attach the document electronically to their application to save time. They also want to be able to save, revisit and edit their application before they send it off and be able to access their application form on their mobile phone.

2. Shorten the process

These days, many candidates are simply not willing to spend several hours completing a single application form. In fact, 71 percent of candidates said they would not complete an application form if it took longer than 15 minutes. As an employer, you’d be wise to review your application process and streamline it as much as possible.

3. Provide a human point of contact

69 percent of the respondents to the Hays survey said they’d like to have a human contact they could ask questions about their application and who could provide updates about its progress. Making sure someone is on hand to provide the personal touch if necessary could be a great way to attract candidates to your organisation.

4. Don’t leave applicants hanging

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of candidates wanted to know sooner rather than later whether their application had been successful. 58 percent of applicants said they expected to find out in three days whether they would progress further in the process; however, 33 percent of employers admitted the process typically took more than one week.

5. Ensure the application process accurately represents the role

It’s not uncommon for the application form and job description to be an inaccurate representation of the role. 49 percent of employees said they had left a job within the first year because the role was not as described. There’s no point in spending time and money hiring the perfect candidate if they’re going to leave the job a few months down the line, so make sure your description of the role is accurate.

Need help attracting talented bilingual candidates?

At Linguistica Recruitment, we have an existing database of hundreds of in-demand bilingual candidates looking for their next opportunity on the English south coast. Read more about our process or call 02392 987 765 for assistance today.

Are You Qualified Enough to Apply for That Job?

Many jobseekers bemoan the lack of positive responses they receive from prospective employers despite sending out application after application. As jobseekers very rarely hear why an application wasn’t successful, they put their failure to secure an interview down to all manner of things, from not having the necessary experience to not attending the right university. However, in reality, the primary reason why candidates are not successful is because they do not have the necessary qualifications, experience and skills to apply for the job in the first place.

One of the most common misconceptions that jobseekers have is how closely their qualifications must match the requirements of a job for them to feel like they can apply. The similarity between the skill, experience and qualifications listed in the job description and those of an individual lie on a spectrum, and all too often candidates fall too far on either side of where they should be.

The two types of jobseeker

When it comes to having the necessary qualifications and experience to apply for a role, there are two different applicant types:

The sprayers and prayers – These jobseekers haphazardly apply for every job they feel they are the least bit qualified for in the belief that the more applications they send out, the better their chances will be. By some counts, this type of applicant can account for 75 percent of the CVs that are submitted for a role. By trying to be all things to everybody, these jobseekers essentially sabotage their own job search by not dedicating the necessary time to completing applications for the roles they are qualified for.

The play-it-safers – At the opposite end of the spectrum are those jobseekers who only apply for a role when their qualifications and experience match nearly all of a job description’s requirements. Taking this approach can severely limit the number of jobs they apply for, particularly if they live in areas where jobs are few and far between. That shallow pool of potential jobs can prolong their job search and increase the pressure when they apply for a role that is a good match.

Finding the middle ground

The solution is to land somewhere between the two, where you meet some but not all of a job’s requirements. A study of over 6,000 job applicants found that for the best chance of success over the longer term, your skills, experience and qualifications should match 50 percent of the requirements listed in the job description. Any lower than that and the applicants were less likely to land an interview; any higher than that and their chances did not increase.

What does that mean for you as a jobseeker?

Even if you don’t exactly match the requirements of a job, you can still apply and have a reasonable chance of success as long as you have half of the skills, experience and qualifications the employer is looking for. As a simple rule of thumb, if you feel reasonably confident that you’d be able to perform well in the job, you should apply. If you’re unsure, the likelihood is you will not be called for an interview, and if you are, it will provide the perfect opportunity to find out a little more about the role.

Bilingual positions for UK jobseekers

At Linguistica Recruitment, we have a range of bilingual roles for talented jobseekers across the south of England. If you’d like to know more about any of our vacancies, including the requirements you must meet, please do not hesitate to contact our team. Call us on 02392 987 765 or email info@linguistica-recruitment.com today.

Flexible Working: The Benefits for Employers and The Pitfalls to Avoid

A recent study by Timewise UK found that 87 percent of people want to work flexibly but just 11 percent of job advertisements state that flexible working arrangements will be considered. With the number of people in work in the UK at a record high and just 3.9 percent of economically active Britons without a job, being open to flexible working practices and saying as much on your job ads could give you an important advantage in today’s ultra-competitive job market.

In some cases, employers see flexible working as a perk rather than a way to get the best out of their teams and try to avoid as much as they can. However, with several proven benefits of flexible working, it’s not something that employers should be wary of.

What are the benefits of flexible working for employers?

1. It fuels employee creativity

Research from the World Economic Forum into the future of work reveals that 97 percent of employers regard creativity as a vital skill for their teams. Flexible working has long been suggested as a tool for helping people be more creative at work, but is there any truth to this assumption? Actually, there is. A study from Cisco UK has found that people with the freedom to work remotely are more creative and agile than their inflexible counterparts. Importantly, they are also more satisfied.

2. Employees are more likely to stay put

Given the competitive job market, a boost to employee retention is one of the most important benefits of putting flexible working arrangements in place. A CIPD survey found that 76 percent of more than 2,500 hiring managers said that they had seen a rise in employee retention rates after introducing flexible working arrangements. The result is a reduction in the costs associated with recruiting and training new employees and a boost to company culture.

3. Cost savings

The average office cost per employee in the UK is £6,000 per year. That’s a significant expense when you consider that the mean occupancy rate of UK offices is just 45 percent over the working day. Introducing flexible working arrangements such as staggered home working and hot desking can help to improve the efficiency of the office and bring down overhead costs without impacting on the products and services you offer.

The pitfalls to be aware of

Introducing flexible working into your business is not all plain sailing. There are also some pitfalls that employers should be aware of that make flexible working more of a hindrance than a perk.

1. The parent trap

Working parents are likely to be some of the biggest advocates of flexible working, as it can help to release some of the pressure on their home lives. However, there is a tendency by some employers to view flexible working as something that’s predominantly for parents, and that can breed unhealthy friction in the workplace. Flexible working should be available to all, whether they have young children, elderly parents, a long commute or simply those who are able to perform better when they’re able to manage their own time.

2. It loses its flexibility

If there are too many boundaries and restrictions in place, flexible working can’t be what it’s supposed to be. Flexible working needs to work for employers and employees, and that requires a certain amount of bending, adapting and accommodating.

3. Mental health cues may be missed

With mental health becoming an increasingly prominent issue in today’s workplaces, flexible working arrangements can be an important way to help counter problems in the first instance. However, seeing less of employees in the workplace can mean that mental health cues are missed. Many employees who work from home say the lines between home and work life become blurred. That can lead to longer hours, an inability to shut off and increased stress.

Looking for talented bilingual recruits for your team?

At Linguistica Recruitment, we work with employers across the south of England to help them find the talented bilingual recruits they need. Find out more about how we can help you and get in touch by calling 02392 987 765 or emailing info@linguistica-recruitment.com today.

What are the Most Sought-After Languages by UK Employers?

In the UK, we rely heavily on the fact that our native language is almost universally spoken, so much so that levels of language learning are on the decline. However, with many global businesses operating in the UK, the need for workers who can communicate in their clients’ and customers’ native languages is on the rise.

The benefits of being able to converse in a customer’s or client’s native language are so great that international companies with UK offices and British businesses with a presence overseas are desperately seeking to hire staff with language skills. But what languages are currently the most in-demand?

The jobs site Indeed recently calculated the number of postings per million in the last three years that required specific language skills to identify what the most in-demand languages are.

The most sought-after languages by UK employers

Rank Language Postings per million % change since 2016
1 German 1221 +11.59%
2 French 1152 +1.17%
3 Chinese 643 +35.39%
4 Spanish 567 -9.50%
5 Italian 531 +17.68%
6 Dutch 274 -10.96%
7 Polish 203 -28.83%
8 Japanese 198 -3.78%
9 Russian 195 -7.87%
10 Arabic 146 -21.64%

German and French continue to vie for the position of most sought-after language by UK employers, with the number of postings requiring German speakers climbing by more than one-tenth over the last three years to secure the top spot.

The figures also show that over the last three years, the demand for Chinese speakers (Mandarin and Cantonese) has seen the most significant growth, up by more than 35 percent since 2016. During the same period, the demand for Polish speakers from UK employers has fallen by nearly 29 percent.

Overall, the number of job postings specifying a language requirement has risen by 2.7 percent since 2016. This shows that although English might be considered a universal language, linguists are still very much in demand.

The UK plans for a future outside of the European Union

Although seven of the top 10 languages are European, the sharp rise in the demand for Mandarin and Cantonese speakers shows that businesses are starting to prepare for life outside of the EU. China looks set to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy over the next decade and securing a trade deal with China is certainly high on the list of the UK government’s priorities.

There has also been significant global expansion in China’s own companies, with a number of businesses, including tech firms, manufacturers and Chinese retailers, investing heavily to establish a presence in the UK, and particularly in London. This has also contributed to the rising demand for UK-based Chinese speakers.

How will the demand for bilingual workers be met?

While the growing demand for linguists is good news for bilingual candidates, just where will all those bilingual workers come from? The first source of talented linguists is the UK’s education system. The government hopes to produce more homegrown bilingual and polyglot candidates to meet the demand. However, with the number of students taking German and French at GCSE level falling by more than half, the signs don’t look promising.

The other source of native European language speakers is the many EU migrants who come to the UK to live. However, with ONS data suggesting that net migration from the EU is currently at its lowest level for 10 years, EU migrants will struggle to meet the growing demand.

The only conclusion to draw is that it’s going to become increasingly difficult for UK employers to hire the bilingual speakers they need. With the skills gap widening, bilingual candidates will find themselves more in-demand than ever before and be able to command higher salaries as employers are forced to compete for their specialist skills.

The perfect time to find your next bilingual role

With demand for talented linguists rising, now is the perfect time to find your next bilingual role. Take a look at our current vacancies, submit your CV or give us a call on 02392 987 765 to discuss your requirements with our team.

Solving the UK’s Productivity Puzzle with Help from Sweden

The UK has a productivity shortfall compared with other developed countries that will not go away. Despite working longer hours than many of our continental cousins, there’s an estimated productivity gap of as much as 20 or 30 percent.

Why? Well, that’s a question some of the country’s leading economic minds are trying to solve, but simply put, we’re working harder and not smarter. With Brexit on the horizon, it’s more important than ever that we find new ways to compete on the global stage, and creating a more dynamic and productive labour force will be a key part of that.

Sweden has long been the envy of much of Europe with its high levels of worker productivity, and recently, the Swedish government even trialled six-hour working days. So, just what can we learn from Sweden to fix the UK’s enduring productivity puzzle and boost the morale of employees?

Optimisation, not maximisation

An expression that’s common in Sweden is ‘lagom’, which means ‘just the right amount’. That is at the core of the Swedish approach to productivity and business culture. Swedish workers are encouraged to do what needs to be done and to do it well, rather than taking on unnecessary work or doing multiple jobs at the same time.

Rather than being a desirable attribute for an employee, in Sweden multi-tasking is viewed more negatively as an inability to prioritise effectively. Similarly, rather than working longer hours, it is ingrained into business culture that employees should leave work on time. Failure to do so is seen as an indication of poor planning and time management.

Short, regular breaks win the day

Swedish employers have learned that their employees are much happier and perform better if they’re given time during the day to take a break. That has given rise to the ‘fika’ break in Swedish businesses, which is often translated as ‘a coffee and cake break’. This is a time where colleagues can take a break, eat a snack and relax with their colleagues away from their desks. They then return to work revitalised and ready for the rest of the day.

Although that may seem like much too simple a solution to a very complicated problem, it’s much more effective to work at 80 percent productivity for 90 percent of the day, rather than working at 60 percent for the whole day.

Embrace workplace flexibility

There has been a huge shift in the attitudes of UK employers towards workplace flexibility over the last couple of years. That’s perhaps not surprising given that workers who are given the option of flexible working are taking less time off and working more productively. However, there’s still a long way to go to catch up with the Swedes.

Sweden ranks among the world’s leading countries for work-life balance, with flexible working being the norm rather than the exception. The key is that work never comes before home-life priorities, and that helps to create a happy and efficient workforce.

Offering flexibility to employees doesn’t have to be difficult. Given the tools and technology employers have at their disposal, creating a schedule that works for everyone can be easily achieved, helping to save time, reduce costs, increase happiness and, ultimately, solve the UK’s enduring productivity puzzle.

Find bilingual jobs in the UK

Whether you speak Swedish, German, French, Mandarin, Spanish or more, we’re always on the lookout for talented bilingual candidates for leading employers across southern England.

Take a look at our current vacancies or call 02392 987 765, email info@linguistica-recruitment.com or get in touch on Facebook to discuss your requirements.

How to Identify and Showcase Your Soft Skills

We all know what an asset it is in the current job market to be able to code in three different programming languages, speak fluent Mandarin or be an expert in data analysis, but the benefits of being able to communicate effectively, manage your time or lead a team without alienating everyone are not always so clear.

Although they’re more difficult to measure and quantify, these types of skills, known as soft skills, are incredibly valuable in the workplace. In fact, as technical skills become harder to find, more and more employers are looking for candidates with desirable soft skills.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are the personal attributes, character traits and other non-technical abilities that dictate how you work with other people and behave in a professional environment. While some skills might come to you naturally – for example, you might be a warm, friendly and skilled communicator – you may have to learn other skills such as time management or the ability to lead a team effectively.

Although technical abilities, or hard skills, are easy to define and measure, soft skills are much more difficult to quantify. A master’s degree in computer programming is an objective measure of someone’s proficiency in computer programming that will be understood by people in the relevant field. An ‘excellent communicator’, on the other hand, is completely subjective, and one person’s ‘excellent communicator’ might be another person’s office gossip.

But while they might be difficult to measure, that doesn’t make soft skills any less valuable, or any less worthy of a prime spot on your CV.

Identifying your soft skills

How many of us really have an accurate idea of what our soft skills are? Without getting too philosophical, our perception of ourselves is rarely anything like the perception other people have of us, so when it comes to gauging our soft skills, where does the reality lie?

To understand your soft skills, you need to gain self-awareness of your strengths and the areas where there’s still plenty of room for improvement. Given the chasm that often exists between our perceptions and reality, it’s best to ask friends, colleagues and even family members for help creating a list of the soft skills that apply to you. If they can also provide specific examples of when you have used that soft skill, then it may help you identify skills you had not considered before.

Can you think of a time in your career when the following soft skills helped you accomplish something?

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Adaptability
  • Ability to perform under pressure
  • Creative thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Delegation
  • Work ethic
  • Ability to listen
  • Leadership

Showcasing your soft skills on your CV

Once you have a list of your soft skills and examples of how they have helped you achieve something in the workplace, it’s time to update your CV. When deciding which soft skills to include on your CV, make sure they match up with the skills the employer is looking for. If soft skills are described in the person specification, include those that apply to you on your CV. If none are listed, think about the qualities you think would be important for the role and include the skills that you have.

The natural place to detail your soft skills is in the ‘skills’ section of your CV. However, you may also reference the soft skills you have used previously in the ‘experience’ section of your CV, so make sure they match up.

Find your next bilingual role

At Linguistica Recruitment, we can help you showcase your soft skills in the right way so you can find your next bilingual role. Take a look at our current vacancies, submit your CV or give us a call on 02392 987 765 to discuss your requirements with our team.

4 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting a Job Interview

There will only be a very few lucky people who have not experienced the frustration of sending off a never-ending stream of job applications and CVs, only to not hear a single thing in return.

It’s purgatory for a number of reasons. Firstly, and let’s not pretend here, completing application forms and tailoring your CV is time-consuming and excruciatingly dull. It just is. Secondly, there’s the worry of how you’re going to keep food on the table and a roof over your head. Thirdly, and this one might be a little controversial, employment – particularly if you’re lucky enough to have a job you enjoy – makes for a more fulfilling life.

So, if you’re sending off CVs and application forms by the dozen and receiving absolutely nothing in return, here are a few of the potential reasons why.

1. You’re not good at bragging

Studies have shown that shameless self-promoters do less but still end up in the top jobs, and it’s certainly not because they’re performing better at work. Some of us are simply not very good at bragging and that can lead to a CV that’s full of responsibilities but no achievements.

In the employment history section of a CV, many people simply list what their responsibilities at previous roles were, but all that’s doing is telling a prospective employer what your boss told you to do. Instead, you should list achievements, and achievements start with verbs.

For example:

• Led a team of five and achieved…
• Grew the company’s social media following from…

2. You’re completing applications too quickly

You might be on your fifth application of the day and be desperate to go out and walk the dog, but the hiring manager doesn’t know that. They want to see an application that is tailored to the role, completely error free and shows exactly how you meet the requirements set out in the job description and person specification.

It’s much better to send out 10 applications a week and get three interviews than it is to send out 20 and get one, so in this case, less is more.

3. You’re applying for positions that aren’t the right fit

As time goes by and you get more impatient, it is more likely that you will apply for jobs you know you’re not a good fit for. Although you don’t have to meet all of a job’s requirements, you should meet 70-75 percent of them as a minimum if you’re going to apply.

4. Your CV is too long

Your CV should be short, to the point and easy to read. Two sides of A4 is generally accepted as the maximum length, particularly in the first 10 years of your career. Your paragraphs should be no more than 2-3 lines long and you should avoid any big chunks of text if you want your CV to be read. Your spacing should also be consistent, with enough whitespace to make the information easy to digest.

Looking for bilingual job opportunities?

If you speak English and a second language fluently, you possess an in-demand skill that prospective employers across the south coast of England are looking for. Take a look at our current vacancies and submit your CV today.

Language Loss: The Hidden Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is finally starting to receive the attention it deserves from some of the world’s more forward-thinking countries (the less said about the others, the better). But while many of the potential impacts of climate change are now in the public arena, there are also other less obvious consequences of more extreme weather patterns that are simply not being discussed. One of the effects of climate change that’s often overlooked is the potential loss of some of the world’s minority languages.

How are languages affected by climate change?

There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. Of those, only about half are expected to survive beyond the end of this century. Globalisation is one of the biggest language destroyers, pushing countries and individuals away from their native languages for economic reasons. There’s also a lack of support for many regional languages in educational systems and the media, while war, persecution and migration have also taken their toll.

However, one factor that could bring the tipping point much closer for some communities is climate change. Many minority linguistic communities are located on islands and coastlines that are vulnerable to extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, cyclones and storms. Increases in temperature could also lead to a rise in sea levels that will see many of those communities disappear. These changes will place additional pressure on languages that are already under threat.

The loss of language and identity

When languages are lost, the result is not just linguistic. It may also lead to a loss of identity and have a hugely destructive impact on the health and vitality of a community for generations to come. The disappearance of languages may also lead to a loss of data that could improve our understanding of human cognition, with the structures and patterns of those languages vanishing before they can be documented.

Language loss might also damage our knowledge of the world. We may lose descriptive names for plants or practices that are unknown outside the local area, and farming and fishing practices may be threatened. The result is an irreparable degradation of the local culture.

The richness of the human experience

A recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report warns that we have just 12 years to prevent a global weather crisis. If we fail to do so, there will be a loss of land, food supplies and livelihoods. However, there will also be a loss of languages and the culture and knowledge they embody, as well as the richness and the diversity of human experience that they represent.

Put your language skills to good use

At Linguistica Recruitment, we can help you find rewarding, well-paid bilingual jobs across the south coast of England. Take a look at our current vacancies and submit your CV today.

The 5 Most In-Demand Job Types in 2019

Britain’s booming job market means there are fewer applicants competing for more roles, which is excellent news if you’re thinking about making a change in the near future. In fact, figures from the Office for National Statistics show that there were around 767,000 job vacancies in the three months to January of this year, which is the highest number ever recorded.

That makes it one of the best times ever to be starting your career, thinking about making a career change or looking for a new role in the same industry. However, there are some sectors where it’s much easier to find new employment than others. This is our quick guide to five of the most in-demand job types in 2019.

1. Information technology

Candidates with strong IT skills are in seriously high demand these days, particularly those specialising in the areas of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, software development and data science. More and more traditional companies are starting to resemble tech companies, and this digital transformation is fuelling unrivalled job growth in the IT sector.

Despite the concerns about Brexit, Britain’s technology industry is booming. According to a UK job site, there were over 83,000 advertised job vacancies in the IT sector in the three months to January 2019, which is more than any other industry. The average advertised salary for IT workers was £51,500.

2. Teaching

There’s a well-publicised shortage of teachers across the UK at the moment, with schools struggling to retain and recruit the staff they need. This has seen the number of secondary school teachers fall to crisis levels. Of course, there is a reason why teachers are leaving the profession in their droves, and that is something you should think about carefully. However, if you want to retrain as a teacher or switch schools, there is an abundance of opportunities out there.

There were just over 70,000 job listings for teachers posted in the three months to January 2019, with an average salary of £30,901.

3. Consultancy

Consultants are experts in a wide range of fields who provide advice to businesses about how to improve the performance of essential functions such as finance, HR, IT and marketing. While a growing number of consultants work as freelancers or independent contractors, there’s also been a surge in demand from consultancy firms looking for entry- and mid-level employees.

In the three months to January, there were 18,200 consultancy vacancies advertised with an average salary of £37,301.

4. Sales

Sales positions require a unique skill set that many workers simply do not have. The result is a high demand for sales professionals across the UK. A recent study found that salespeople earn more than those in other roles in the same company, with an average salary increase of 6.2 percent. The current skills shortage could increase that pay gap further.

There were more than 43,000 sales positions advertised in the three months to January, offering an average salary of £34,200.

5. PR and marketing

If you want to take your first steps in a career in public relations and marketing, or you’re looking to progress your career, then now is an excellent time. The employee ratings website Glassdoor found that marketing managers had the third-best jobs in the UK based on three factors: annual salary, job satisfaction and the number of openings. However, there are a wide range of jobs that fall under the PR and marketing umbrella, from SEO copywriters to media planners and product managers.

In the three months to January, there were 26,105 listings for roles in marketing, advertising and PR, offering an average salary of £36,849.

Bilingual workers are always in demand

Regardless of the industry or sector you operate in, as a bilingual worker in the UK, your skills are consistently in high demand. If you’re looking to take your first or next step in your bilingual career, we can help. Take a look at our current vacancies or submit your CV today.

Are you Really Ready for a Managerial Role?

Many workers, at some point in their career, will have to decide whether they’re ready for a managerial role. Career progression is something that most candidates and employees strive for, but in many cases, people consider the perks of a leadership position, such as a pay bump, extra benefits and a more prestigious job title, and completely overlook the impact that becoming a manager will have on their working lives.

Moving into a managerial role is not just a big responsibility, it also means moving away from working on the frontline and potentially doing something you love. The skills and strengths required to be a good manager are likely to be very different from the skills that led to your promotion in the first place. The promotion could even reveal weaknesses in your skillset and leave you feeling unprepared and exposed.

Before jumping at the opportunity for promotion or applying for a managerial role elsewhere, here are a few questions we think you’d be wise to consider.

How will your responsibilities change?

It’s essential you understand the impact that a managerial role will have on your day-to-day responsibilities and whether it will translate to longer working hours and more stress. As an example, when a teacher becomes a head of department, they tend to spend less time in the classroom and more time in meetings or completing administrative tasks. If interacting with the children is something you love, it might not be the role for you.

Do you have the skills to be an effective leader?

Moving into a managerial position and feeling comfortable in the new role will take time. That’s why training is so important. On-the-job and external training should go hand in hand with a move up the ladder to a new role. It helps if you have some idea of the skills you’ll need for the new position that you feel you lack.

This takes self-awareness that not everyone possesses, but it’s important to be as honest with yourself as you can. An effective strategy is to think of a manager in your organisation you admire and consider the skills they have that you need to work on. You can then take the initiative to either ask for training or work to develop the new skills yourself.

Can you see the bigger picture?

As a frontline employee, it’s important you understand what the main objectives of the organisation are, but you don’t have to know all the steps it’s going to take to get there. As a manager, you have to be more aware of the bigger picture and help others share that vision too.

Those who understand the bigger picture are able to see the connections between what others might see as disparate parts of the business. They are able to consider overall policies and strategies and do not become side-tracked by irrelevant detail. They also tend to be excellent multitaskers.

What type of leader will you be?

Your leadership style will have a huge impact on the productivity, job satisfaction and morale of your team. An employee retention report from TINYpulse found that employees with ineffective managers are four times more likely to be actively looking for new jobs. You can gain some light on the type of leader you might be by answering the following questions:

  • How do you interact with others? Do you prefer to communicate with people individually or as a group?
  • What personality types have you struggled to work with in the past?
  • How much information do you need about a task? Do you like to be in complete control or do you only need an update when there is a problem?
  • How do you show your appreciation to others?
  • What experiences have you found difficult in your career?

Once you’ve answered those questions, re-examine your responses through the eyes of a leader and think about how the way you communicate, manage tasks and show your appreciation will impact on others. Then consider what changes you could make to become a better leader.

Are you ready for a managerial role?

At Linguistica Recruitment, we have a wide range of opportunities for bilingual candidates at every stage of their careers. Take a look at our current vacancies and submit your CV today.